Wednesday, September 2, 2009

first night without baby.

i finally did it. i had a night without mia, and i missed her terribly. she stayed with my parents last night since i had to have an early morning procedure done at my GYN office. it was nice, but i missed her the whole time. i couldn't wait to pick her up today! chris and i were able to go to applebee's for happy hour, and i only had one blue moon before i thought i would pass out from exhaustion!

she did very well. according to mom, she went down for the night around 10 pm (!) and got up around 10 am. hopefully this is a trend and she stops staying up until 1 or 2 am. she's asleep right now, and i'm hoping she stays that way!

oh, and for the record, colposcopies suck.

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